Course curriculum

Scroll down to start now

  • 1


    • Before we begin

    • Welcome

  • 2

    General Information

    • General information on the Bow Valley SPCA

    • Vehicles for assignments

    • General information quiz

  • 3

    Facility Tour

    • A tour of the Bow Valley SPCA centre and the surroundings

    • Tour quiz

  • 4

    First Visit Expectations

    • What to expect from your first visit

  • 5

    Health and Safety

    • Health And Safety

    • Health and Safety Quiz

  • 6


    • Volgistics - Our Online Volunteer Platform

  • 7

    Dog Team Info

    • Introducing our dog programs and how we cater to our dogs' needs

    • Dog Team Quiz

  • 8

    Cat Info

    • How our volunteers interact with our cats

    • Cat Info Quiz


We love that you want to volunteer with us! To be able to give you a volunteer t-shirt you can wear to our events, the onboarding costs a little something. Claim your t-shirt first time you volunteer.